
Chicken Pie, by way of Ina, Martha, & Smitten Kitchen!

Chicken pie is so soothing & nutritious & lovely, it can't fail to put a smile on the most miserable of faces! The smell of a baking pie wafts through the house, attracting people to the kitchen, the hub, in pleasant expectation, waiting for the table to be laid & dinner to be served..

My recipe comes from a mixture of influences from Ina Garten to Martha Stewart, Smitten Kitchen, & a general sense of cooking experience.

~ 4 chicken breasts
~ glug of balsamic vinegar
~ 3 cups chicken bouillon
~ 2 tbsp gravy powder
~ sea salt & crushed black pepper
~ 3 shallots
~ 2 cloves garlic
~ 1 tbsp of olive oil
~ 5 tbsp flour
~ glug of sherry
~ 2 bay leaves
~ handful of chopped parsley
~ 2 tbsp creme fraiche
~ 1 cup frozen peas
2 carrots, peeled & sliced
~ 3 large potatoes
~ juice of 1/2 a lemon
~ a few sprigs lemon thyme

1. Pre-heat the oven to a medium-warm temperature, say 250 degrees F.
1. Poach the chicken breasts in 1 cup of chicken bouillon, with the gravy powder, glug of balsamic, seasoning, & top up with water to cover the chicken. Poach until cooked through, 15-20 mins. Remove & chop into chunks, & place in a medium-sized casserole dish.
2. Chop the shallots & garlic, & fry in the oil until beginning to brown. Add the flour & stir constantly to ensure even distribution & that the flour is fully absorbed into the mixture.
3. Add the bay leaves, 2 cups of chicken bouillon, parsley, seasoning, sherry, whisk in the creme fraiche, the lemon juice & top with water so that the pan is about 2/3rds full.
4. Simmer for 15 mins.
5. Meanwhile, lightly fry the carrots for about 5 mins, & then add them with the peas to the saucepan & cook a few minutes longer. Pour over the chicken into the casserole dish.
6. Peel & slice the potatoes with a mandoline & then layer over the chicken sauce.
7. Bake in the oven for 1 hour 10 minutes. After 45 mins, place the sprigs of thyme on top & return to the oven.
8. Serve up, & enjoy!

{all photos by me}


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Oh My! Looks so delicious Katie! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe! I was reading your comment about blogging and I couldn't agree more. There are so many fashion bloggers now and there are so many "follow me, follow you" comments floating around. I value interaction and comments on my blog and that's why I treat every comment as if they're an email and I personally respond to each of them because I like to make friends! It's more rewarding and fulfilling to build relationships with people who share my passion! xoxoxoo

Katie said...

lots of points well made ^!

happy blogging!

katie xoxo

GINA BIBER said...

Ohmygoodness... yum, that looks so delicious!!! It's one of those recipes that temps me to not be vegetarian! ;- )



Katie said...

ahh no! well the next recipe i'm posting is creamed spinach, most def a vegetarian one!

katie x

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