
Nigel Slater's Creamed Spinach

I had always imagined creamed spinach to be a richly decadent accompaniment to a meal; rather, it is a pleasant compliment to an easy Spring dinner. I ate it with a home-made potato curry, the soft flavours of the spinach cooling the spice from the potatoes. If you want a lighter option, I think Greek yoghurt would work well; more indulgent, try double cream!

Based on Nigel Slater's Creamed Spinach, with a few substitutes & carefree measures.

~ 100g spinach, roughly chopped
~ 300 ml milk
~ 2 bay leaves
~ 4 cloves
~ 50g marg or butter
~ 50g flour
~ 3 tbsp creme fraiche
~ sea salt & black pepper
~ ground nutmeg

1. Make the white sauce by warming the milk with the bay leaves & cloves. Bring to the boil & then remove from the heat, & let it rest to infuse.
2. In a separate pan, melt the marg until it becomes liquid, then add the flour & mix to a paste over the heat.
3. Whisk in the milk mixture, after removing the bay & cloves, to the paste. Continue stirring over a low heat until the sauce thickens. Add the creme fraiche. Sauce still seem thin? Add a tablespoon or 2 more of flour, constantly whisking, until it reaches a good consistency.
4. Steam the spinach for 1-2 minutes (this can be done over heat or in a microwave) until very lightly cooked.
5. Stir the spinach into the saucepan, remove from the heat, season, & add nutmeg. Keep stirring for a few seconds until the sauce takes on a pleasant shade of green!

Bon appetit!

{all photos by me}


lafashionfolie said...

Oh yum- I love creamed spinach but I am also quite scared to try cooking it. Maybe I will though looks delish!

Katie said...

thanks! yeah give it a go, it feels kind of virtuous because it has spinach in it ;)

katie x

Katy said...

This is seriously my husband's favorite dish, I can't believe I haven't made it at home yet! That's a great idea on the greek yogurt.

Katie said...

cool, yes i was surprised i hadn't thought to cook it until now, but it's definitely one that will stay bookmarked! easy, comforting & nutritious - winner!

katie x

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