
If Canon Can..

1. self-portrait //
2. veal & pasta & sweet roasted peppers //
3. is it still spring?! aw, mum looks after her chicks whilst dad stands on one leg. yup.

You might have noticed a few changes around here - with the purh-chase of my new Canon EOS 600, I decided to widen my blog page & take full advantage of the space. I'm still chopping & changing my mind on various things, but I ultimately decided I wanted to streamline & "professionalise" the space a little, hence you will see the absence of previous widgets. This space is a constant work in progress, & so I've decided not to go back over the last few posts and resize them, rather leave them as a natural history of my aesthetic opinion..

Back to Canon, & I discovered just recently that my netbook screen resolution is too small to support the Canon software! Ergo, I am currently downloading/editing on housemate's laptop. Solutions, or any advice out there would be greatly welcomed! I've come across the idea of a virtual scrolling laptop which sounds intriguing, or I could purchase a simple large monitor & have 2 screens ...or I could save my pennies until I can afford an iPad.
(does anyone out there use an iPad with Canon?)

Happy Blogging!

{ all photos by me}


Collections said...

Gorgeous and that food looks delicious.


Maria @ delaRobla said...

Hi Kate!

Thank you for your comment, really appreciate the support !

If your problem is editing the photos for your blog I think it's better to just save up, sell your laptop and buy a better laptop... now, if you want an ipad and are just looking for an excuse to get one, then go ahead ! ;)

But i think first you need to get the computer up to date before moving forward! I got an ipad for christmas and i am a total computer geek and still i only use it to read in bed / travel without computer... but work and stuff, nah, doesnt work...

hope this helps!



Complacency Kills said...

Such beautiful and intimate photos. Thanks for sharing! P.S.- I'm also hosting a giveaway at the moment and invite you to enter if you'd like :) Check It Out Here.

xo Lindsey
Complacency Kills 

Virginia said...

what an amazing pics!!

you have such a great blog!
like to follow each other? I hope so!
I already follow you on Bloglovin!
I Would like to be in contact with you!


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